I am Pooja – a wife, and a mother to a very lovely boy. I get a lot of joy cooking soulful food that is both, tasty and mostly healthy. Every dish that I create is centred around using vegetarian/plant based ingredients. I strongly believe that vegetarian food are under-promoted and there can be so many varieties from various parts of the world which all of us can enjoy without hurting the environment.Food is the source of energy in our body and also controls our immunity system. It is our diet that generates energy which gives birth to various thoughts in our mind. Therefore I to create healthy and soulful recipes for a healthier mind. I also like to indulge in some not-so-healthy food but I treat them as cheat dishes and make them only for my family’s big-time cravings.
I live in Bucks, England with my super-husband and our young toddler.
With Soulfullyveg, I want to introduce the world to a vegetarian lifestyle. My recipes are mostly easy to make so even a beginner cook and try them without much hassle. Most of the ingredients I use come from nature itself and have innumerable benefits for our health. Being a vegetarian all my life, all my recipes are vegetarian or plant based. I do no use any fish, meat or eggs in my recipes.
So, join me on this journey of making yourself – soulfully veg!
“We are, quite literally, gambling with the future of our planet – for the sake of hamburgers.”
Peter Singer
Why vegetarian
I grew up eating eating lots of vegetables, fruits, lentils, pulses, beans, rice and they are absolutely loaded with goodness and a whole lot of nutrients in them. It started with religious reasons, however after growing up I never felt the need or want to change my diet.
There are endless varieties and combinations of vegetarian food. During my travel to various countries, I feel that there is a need to promote plant based diet from all regions, cultures across the globe.
With more and more individuals looking for healthy living, they are incorporating dairy free, gluten free and more plant based diet in their lifestyle. This blog is my effort to promote vegetarian and plant based food to all you lovely people.